If you want to do more in less time, this post is for you. Today I'm sharing some things that work for me to do more and take less time. Why do more? I don't know. I'm not trying to get into the productivity spiral. Each of us has something we like to do and maybe feels like we don't have time for. And yes, there is time. There is always time, but you have to know how to find it (or create it).
Writing down what day and time you are going to do something not only helps you remember but also helps you organize. There are tasks that we think will take more time and really don't. Completing what you have to do when you have to do it, not procrastinating, and simply finishing it lightens your life and gives you space to do more. It's better to complete a task and that's it, part of the agenda freed up. And if you want to know how to stop procrastinating, read this post.
✨Get up earlier
If your dream has always been for the days to have more hours, I have good news. You can create that time. How? By getting up earlier. It doesn't have to be at 5 am, although if you want it's a great time because you can work on your projects, study, exercise, or all together. And it works. I worked for almost 3 years in an office, as the Communication Manager of Comodoro Turismo, while continuing with The Inmediato, and a podcast. Am I a life-enlightened person who was born with superior characteristics? No, I got up early. And after two years of motherhood, I'm getting back to my routine.
Keep in mind: to get up early you have to go to bed early. If you go to bed at 00:00 it's practically impossible to get up at 5:00. Resting is the most important thing. It may also be that one day you achieve it, and the next day you don't. The idea is to set achievable standards and to go slowly until you generate the routine. I will make another post about it because I love the subject of getting up early, sorry.
Generate your own processes and shortcuts. Systematize everything that can be systematized. Standardize everything that can be standardized. Generate steps, break down tasks, and see where they can and cannot be done. For example: I have my own templates for absolutely everything. For the blog's social media posts, for the agency, for clients, Lightroom presets for editing photos, content templates, and templates for sending proposals. I have my moments to plan, to create, to edit, to monitor. Before I sat down to the blank page and hours could pass on a task that I now solve much faster.
✨Learn to say no
What happens when you become good at something is that it makes it look easy. "When something appears to be easy, it may not hold as much value. And it's not like that at all. Not only did it take you time to learn to do that quickly, but it also took you time to do that task. I find it very difficult to say no because "I'll do it in a little while, it won't cost me anything" and it does cost me, it takes time. And I need that time. So every time someone asks me for something, I think if a) is it economically profitable? b) does it help me achieve my goals? or c) do I feel like it?
That helps me a lot when deciding whether to say yes or no. And again, it's an exercise because before I said yes to everything and only managed to drown in things that others wanted, leaving aside what I wanted. Stop being, in Taylor's words, a pathological people pleaser.
✨Simplify your life
Do yourself favors, and take care of lightening your life. Things I do as a favor to my future self: Plan meals for the week to know what to buy and avoid going to the supermarket often. Wash the dishes as soon as we finish cooking and/or dining, it takes less than 5 minutes, it's easier, and the habit is created. I am tied up at night, so in the morning I get up and don't have to be distracted by something other than work or taking a course. Do I really feel like it? No, but if I don't do it, Future Flor will have to do it and Future Flor should take care of getting sh*t done.
Do you have any tips for having more time? Leave it in the comments And if you liked the post, share it and follow me for more ✨
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